Issues, Etc. 2007 - What's New Archives Program Resources- Articles and
September 30
“Youth Ministry” Rev. George Borghardt, Youth Pastor St. Mark’s Lutheran Church-Conroe, TX
September 23
LIVE from Emmanuel Lutheran Church-Dearborn, MI
"How We Got the New Testament"
Rev. Jeffrey Kloha, Associate Professor of New
Concordia Seminary-St. Louis, MO
Dear Friend of Issues, Etc., Jesus tells us that “repentance and forgiveness of sins should be preached in His name to all nations.” (Luke 24:47a) At Issues, Etc. we believe that means a message free of gimmicks or marketing schemes. As you know, “The Message Is the Mission!” Today I am asking you to help us proclaim this message of repentance and forgiveness of sins by making a special gift to Issues, Etc. We look forward to moving into our new fiscal year on July 1 with positive momentum to continue this important work. Please help us meet the remaining need of $45,000 to fund the $240,000 annual budget for the nationally, syndicated edition of Issues, Etc. by the end of the month. Help us proclaim the work of Jesus Christ for sinners to all nations through a gift of any amount. Please click here to make your gift.Thank you for your consideration! Wir sind alle Bettler,![]() Todd Wilken, Host Issues, Etc.
September 16 David Reed, Author Answering Jehovah’s Witnesses Subject by Subject
September 9 Greg Koukl, President Stand to Reason
Attention Houston residents! Issues, Etc. begins broadcasting LIVE from 10-11 p.m. on Sunday, September 2 on KKHT, 100.7 FM.
September 2 Dr. Alister McGrath, President Oxford Centre for Christian Apologetics
August 26 Dr. Carl Fickenscher, Associate Professor of Pastoral Ministry and Missions Concordia Theological Seminary-Fort Wayne, IN
12 Rev. Steven Parks, Pastor University Hills Lutheran Church-Denver, CO
August 5 Dr. H. Wayne House, Distinguished Research Professor of Biblical and Theological Studies Faith Seminary
July 29 Dr. Richard Stuckwisch, Pastor Emmaus Lutheran Church-South Bend, IN
July 22 “Salvation & Good Works” Rev. Klemet Preus, Author The Fire and the Staff
July 15 Dr. Paul Maier, Professor of Ancient History Western Michigan University
Welcome listeners in Columbus, NE live Sundays from 9-10 p.m. on KTLX, 91.9 FM! Join Issues, Etc. regular guests Dr. John Warwick Montgomery, Craig Parton, Dr. Fred Baue and Dr. Angus Menuge for the Eleventh Annual European Summer Study Session of the International Academy of Apologetics Evangelism and Human Rights July 10-21 in Strasbourg, France, click here for more information. July 8 “Mormonism” Bill McKeever, Founder Mormonism Research Ministry
Thanks to the congregation
below for co-sponsoring Issues, Etc. on WYLL in
Chicago! 1550 Modaff Road Naperville, IL 60565 (630) 355-2198 July 1 Dr. Mike Horton, Co-Host The White Horse Inn
June 24 Dr. Martin Noland, Director Concordia Historical Institute
Thanks to the congregations below
for becoming church sponsors for
Issues, Etc. in central
Iowa, greater Milwaukee, and southwest Minnesota!
St. Paul
Lutheran Church
Lutheran Church
Lutheran Church
St. Paul
Lutheran Church
Savior Lutheran Church
Our Savior’s
Lutheran Church June 17
June 10
June 2
Dr. Richard Shuta, Professor of Religion
Concordia University-Ann Arbor, MI
May 27
Welcome to listeners in central Iowa LIVE Sundays at 9 p.m. on KLMJ, 104.9 FM! May 20
Por qué pasan cosas malas?
Thanks to the congregation below for renewing its
sponsorship of Issues, Etc. on KFAX!
April 29 “The New Atheists” Dr. John Warwick Montgomery, Distinguished Professor of Apologetics and the History of Christian Thought Trinity College and Theological Seminary
Thanks to the congregations below for renewing their local sponsorship of Issues, Etc.!
Christ Lutheran Church Immanuel Lutheran Church
April 15
April 8
Dr. Arthur Just, Professor of New Testament
Concordia Theological Seminary-Fort Wayne, IN
April 1
March 25
March 11
March 4
Dear Issues, Etc. Listeners, In the name of Jesus Who has come to save sinners, greetings! The seasons of Lent and Easter are all about putting first things first. While the world —and many Christians— pursue the latest fad of self-improvement and self-fulfillment, the Church puts first things first. Paul told the Corinthian Christians:
First things first! The message of Jesus Christ crucified and risen for sinners is, as Paul says, “of first importance.” This is the message that creates faith in unbelieving hearts. This is the message that sustains faith in believers. This message is always “of first importance.” Issues, Etc. keeps first things first. We proclaim Jesus Christ crucified and risen for sinners. Issues, Etc. puts this message front and center of all it does. Issues, Etc. broadcasts this message to the Church and to the world. Please help support the worldwide outreach of Issues, Etc. by making a tax-deductible gift. Click here to donate online. You can also make a credit card donation by calling our resource line at 1-800-737-0172. Or you can donate by check: Issues, Etc., P.O. Box 9360, St. Louis, MO 63117. No gift is too small! We’re going to send a two hour CD to anyone who makes a donation to Issues, Etc. during the Lent and Easter seasons. The CD contains interviews with Dr. Norman Nagel on The Passion of Christ and with Dr. Arthur Just on The Resurrection of Christ. Issues, Etc. promises to keep first things first: to continue Proclaiming Jesus Christ and Him Crucified! Thank you in advance for your prayers and support.
Your Brother in Christ, February 18
February 11
Welcome listeners in Denver Sundays from 9-10 p.m. on KRKS, 94.7 FM and thanks to the congregations below for co-sponsoring Issues, Etc. on KRKS!
Hope Lutheran
Mount Zion Lutheran Church February 4
An Excerpt from
When Homosexuality Hits Home by Joe Dallas
January 28
"Eternal Rewards"
Rev. Brent Kuhlman, Pastor
Trinity Lutheran Church-Murdock, NE
January 21
January 14
Thanks to the congregation below for becoming a new church sponsor on WYLL in Chicago!
St. Paul’s
Lutheran Church & School Thanks to the congregations below for renewing their sponsorship of Issues, Etc. in 2006!
The Lutheran Church and School of Our Savior Trinity Lutheran Church
Grace Lutheran Church
St. John’s Lutheran Church Mount Calvary Lutheran Church
Luther Memorial Lutheran Chapel
Grace Lutheran Church
January 7
"The Guests: Local Shepherds, Distant Magi"
Dr. Paul Maier, Professor of Ancient History
Western Michigan University