![]() Articles and book excerpts used in and referred to on Issues, Etc. |
It was Dr. Leslie Weatherhead who wrote,
"The forgiveness of God, in my opinion, is the most powerful and therapeutic
idea in the world." I agree. It is this lifeline and guideline that comes
to us from the living God--the living God Who delights in forgiving us because
of what His Son did for us!
It was the Son of the living God, Jesus
Christ, who turned aside the holy wrath of God against us. Instead of
punishment for our sins, we received pardon. Jesus did this by serving as a
lightning rod for God's just anger, bringing us instead the electricity of
God's forgiveness.
Through the conduits of Word and Sacrament, the
gift of FORGIVENESS comes to us from God. As it does, it creates faith and
love--the two bands that bond couples together!
Billy Graham Cites Key to a Good
Dr. Billy Graham applied the words of Dr. Weatherhead to
holy matrimony when he said, "The key to a good marriage is two good
forgivers." There is no finer fuel for high-octane marriages than
forgiveness of sins. It provides power for love. It is the driving force behind
needed, ongoing reconciliation.
Dr. Martin Luther once remarked,
"The forgiveness of sins is the chief part of Christian teaching and I am
completely steeped in, and saturated with, the article of the forgiveness of
sins." You know, Luther was married. Do you think this man steeped in the
teaching of forgiveness was a pretty good hubby?
E. Jane Mall's
delightful little book, Kitty My Rib, the beloved name Luther gave his math,
gives fascinating insights into the very good marriage of Martin Luther and
Katherine von Bora.
The Glue of a Good
At the center of their marriage was the Bringer of
forgiveness of sins, Jesus Christ. It was this gift, forgiveness of sins, that
enabled two strong-willed and different personalities, Martin and Katherine, to
forgive one another and with that forgiveness, grow in holy love. It was this
gift that taught Luther how to validate his wife. Of his domestic engineer he
said, "My Katie is in all things so obliging and pleasing to me that I would
not exchange my poverty for the riches of Croesus."
validation engendered appreciation. Shortly after his death, Katherine said, of
Luther, "Who would not be sorrowful and mourn for so noble a man as was my
dear lord, who served not only one city or a single land but the whole world?.
..this dear and precious man." Evidently, forgiving and loving went hand in
Forgiveness of sins ranks as both our greatest gift and greatest
resource. With this gift God makes enemies friends and good friends stronger
friends. Through this gift God brought about a change between Himself and the
world through what is known as "the happy exchange."
The Happy Exchange!
"The happy exchange"
involved God sending His Son to suffer hell that we might have heaven, being
forsaken that we might be forgiven, and suffering an eternal death that we
might have eternal life.
On a cross for six hours on Good Friday and
what Tie accomplished by His perfect life of thirty-three years. Never forget
that he did these things for us! He brought about a reconciliation that has
power to not only save us from sin, but also help us overcome what otherwise
might be labelled "irreconcilable differences." St. Paul describes this good
news this way: "But God has done it all when we were His enemies, through
Christ He made us His friends and gave us the work of making friends of
enemies" (2 Cor.
"The Happy Exchange" Produces Happy
Just as the life and death of Christ changed the
relationship of the whole world before God, it can change for the better,
relationships between spouses. The same God Who "in Christ reconciled the world
to Himself by not counting their sins against them" (2 Cor. 5:19) also rescues
marriages. In fact, the more couples know through faith that "God is for them,"
the more they can truly be "for each other"! For it is God's unconditional love
and forgiveness that creates the faith and love so desperately needed by
beleaguered couples.
A Real-Life
Never was this truth expressed to me more poignantly
than in a real-life drama that enlisted my services. It began with a phone call
from a desperate, grief-stricken husband. The quivering voice of Frank informed
me that his spouse was sexually involved with another man. My ears listened
more than my mouth moved. His initial need was a friend to listen.
Eventually, Frank asked me to come to his home later that day. He planned to
confront his wife, Kim, with the evidence of her infidelity. Fearing that his
anger might lead him to folly, he requested that I come and serve as a
go-between. His trembling request was followed by my shaky, "Certainly."
A Familiar Pattern
Kim nor Frank had "darkened the door" of the church for several months. Absence
from the lifelines of love contributed to the abandonment of the guidelines of
love. Adultery followed idolatry. Love had given way to lust.
Following the phone call with Frank, all kinds of questions began to explode in
my mind. Would Kim be smug or sorry when confronted with the evidence? Did
Frank drive Kim into this Bermuda-triangle relationship by unloving and
uncaring acts? Would there be a violent war with words? If she was sorry, would
Frank forgive her? What Word of God would I apply to this modern-day rerun of
David and Bathsheba?
The Dominant
I felt for both Kim and Frank. They loved their
children and were pro-family. Frank, though a good man among men, was given
toward making the Law the dominant note in their marriage. Accusation rather
than validation was his style. For every good and kind word to build up Kim, he
doled out four words to break her down.
Experts tell us that it takes four good
words to cancel every cruel remark we dish out toward others. Frank had the
whole formula backward. He was the accusative case in action. Added to this, he
dispensed the Law in a lawless manner--harshly and severely.
Greasing the Slopes
One sure way to grease
the slopes for one's spouse to slide into another person's arms (and bed) is to
harp and carp at them all the time. This is the fertilizer the devil and his
filthy crew use to make the marital grass look greener elsewhere.
Scripture encourages the dominant note of marriages to be one of nurturing and
nourishing (Eph.
5:29), not one of criticism and condemnation. When criticism must be
dispensed, gentleness and humility are the watchwords (Gal. 6:1).
is a good rule of thumb. Treat the faults of others as graciously as you treat
your own. Thomas a' Kempis has said well, "He that well and rightly
considers his own works, will find little cause to judge harshly of
another." When we, through the Law, see the enormity of our sin and through
the Gospel see the surpassing love of Christ's forgiveness, we receive grace to
treat others graciously.
The afternoon drive to Frank's
house to meet with a traumatized husband and a soon-to-be-traumatized wife went
all too quickly. Before I knew it, I was walking up to the front door of Kim's
and Frank's home. To my surprise it was open.
Instincts told me to
ignore the door bell and enter. As I stepped into the foyer, the sobbing and
weeping of an emotionally disheveled couple drew me further. Moving into the
next room, a startling sight caught my eyes. Frank had his arms around Kim. No,
he was not hurting nor harming her, but holding her...tenderly and
On my way over to their home, I had
prepared several short speeches for possible scripts. However, no speeches were
prepared for this scenario. This blessed dilemma had my tongue tied in
Kim and Frank finally sensed my presence. Noticing the
astonished look on my face, Frank spoke: "Pastor, I am sorry I did not wait for
you to get here. I just could not wait. I decided to confront Kim with the news
before you came."
"That's.. .that's okay," I sputtered.
The Awesome Power of Absolution
Pausing for a few moments, Frank proceeded to explain what had happened. With a
lump in his throat and tears in his eyes, he spoke humbly from the heart, "I
told Kim that if Jesus could forgive me all my sins, I could forgive her of
Frank's awesome words of absolution were words sent from
heaven. They stunned me. They broke down Kim's defenses. They melted her heart
and moved mine.
Spoken sincerely and simply, Frank's words had a
Damascus Road effect upon Kim. The word of forgiveness in Christ's name had
turned mourning into a new morning. Forgiveness planted faith and from faith
flowed hope.
Frank allowed me to have a few minutes alone with Kim. He
sensed that she needed to have a few private moments to speak to her pastor.
After brief counsel with Kim, I asked Frank to join her for a moment of prayer
and the benediction. Then I urged them, by the mercies of Christ, to attend
church the following Sunday. There they would find added help and healing in
God's forgiveness to begin putting the past behind them and moving ahead with
God's grace.
Returning to my car, I felt like pinching myself to make
sure that what I had witnessed was real and not some kind of dream. It was not
a dream. It was a miracle.
It was a miracle born as a result of
Frank's remarkable and loving confession--a confession born not of flesh and
blood, but of the Spirit of God through the forgiveness that Christ brings.
Through the mirror of the Law, the Holy Spirit had enabled Frank to
recognize his own sin and how it contributed to driving Kim into another
person's arms. Evidently, from the time Frank and I had ended our phone
conversation, he had done a lot of soul searching. Through the Word, the Spirit
had made him "poor in spirit" that he might "mourn" over his sin and in
"meekness" inherit a bit of the earth (Matt. 5:3-5).
Through the mirror to God's heart, the cross, the Holy Spirit enlightened Frank
to see the greatness of Christ's love and the gift of love--forgiveness. This
gift became the cornerstone of his confession. On this cornerstone, he found
footing to stand tall and pardon Kim of her sin as well as admit to Kim his
The Movement of Love
Note well the progression of the confession. It began with God's love in
Christ. It moved to the gift of forgiveness of sins. From there faith followed,
and a wondrous word of absolution came forth. The hymn writer puts it
"Love to the loveless shown that they might lovely be."
(Hymn 91, Verse 1, Lutheran Worship)
It was the forgiveness of Christ
that first thawed Frank's heart and then defrosted Kim's soul. By grace through
faith in Christ, forgiveness had come to this hurting household. By God's grace
the marriage of Kim and Frank was saved. The doctrine of justification, which
is really the doctrine of forgiveness, had rescued, resurrected, and restored
another relationship.
The Mirror of the
Later, I met with Kim and Frank to offer added support.
Ongoing encouragement in a fallen world is always necessary. The good news of
forgiveness must be spoken to our assurance-needing hearth all the time.
Everyday, we need to have our minds massaged by the message that God's
forgiveness in Christ is free and full. No sin is too large, no sins are too
many, and no conditions must be met to usher in the forgiveness of God through
Jesus Christ.
It was this last point where Kim and Frank were
struggling and stumbling days later when they came to my office. Unwittingly,
they were allowing a work they thought they must do, to obscure the great work
Christ had done. They needed to understand the crucial distinction between
forgiving and forgetting.
Granted, good forgivers tend to be good
forgetters. By not dwelling on the past, they can move forward. They don't
seek, as one veteran pastor once told me, "to reopen old cow pies." That is a
situation where both parties become losers!
Forgiving Equals Forgetting ???
Early in
one of the follow-up sessions, Kim and Frank expressed the frustration they
carried because they were unable to "forget" the affair. A zillion cues would
wing it to the forefront of their minds. Harboring the notion that "failure to
forget is just another excuse to fail to forgive," they were miserable.
I cringe at literature which implies that in order to forgive someone, you
must delete from your brain all data relating to the past offense that made you
its target. Sort of a spiritual shock therapy. This counsel, brought to you by
Job's friends, advises that if you have not forgotten, then you have not
Correct Gospel
Correct gospel teaching does two things. It gives
God glory and brings poor sinners comfort. The equation that forgiving means
mental forgetting does neither, for it fails to properly divide Law and
examine this thesis. Is it true that forgiveness and forgetfulness are
synonymous buddies? Does anyone really think that Kim and Frank could ever
erase the knowledge of this affair from their minds? Short of sheer memory
loss, the awareness of the affair could not be edited out of their craniums.
The knowledge of the affair would likely go with them to the grave.
Unmasking Legalism
At stake here
is the idea that forgiveness is contingent upon our forgetfulness. Examining
this under the microscope of God's Word, we see the germ of legalism.
"Legalism" is a word meaning "salvation by works." Speaking about "salvation by
works," Scripture says that it just doesn't work! We are saved by grace alone,
Jesus alone, faith alone (Eph. 2:8,9;
Gal. 3:10;
Acts 16:31).
To assert that to forgive means to forget
is to base forgiveness not only on what Jesus has done, but also on what we
must do; namely, remove mental recollections from our mind. Beloved,
"forgetting" is not a requirement for forgiveness. Forgiveness is a purely 100
percent gift (Rom.
4:24)! No conditions. It's free! Free! Free! Free!
A Closer Look at Scripture
One suspects
that this dangerous notion, that forgiveness entails forgetfulness, springs
from the misreading of certain passages in Scripture. For example, the Bible
does say that God will "no longer remember sins" (Jer. 31:34). Interpreted
apart from the rest of Scripture, one could conclude, "If God does not remember
sins, then we should not remember them either." Such a conclusion attacks the
very nature and promises of God.
Concerning the nature of God, the
Bible states that He knows all things (Ps. 139:1-4). To teach
that God is prone to a divine lapse in memory is more than precarious. Even
after His bodily resurrection from the dead, Jesus cognitively remembered
Peter's sinful threefold denial (John 21:15 ff) despite
forgiving Him (John
20:22-23; 2 Cor.
Key Question
How then do we line up the verse of Scripture that says of God, "And their sin
I will remember no more" (Jer. 31:34) with other
portions of Scripture that testify God is all-knowing (Ps. 139:1-4;
John 21:17)? We line
it up by obtaining a proper understanding of the meaning of the Hebrew word for
In matters pertaining to God's no longer
"remembering" sin, "zachar" does not mean God is intellectually forgetful but
made His Son, Jesus, the atonement price for our sin and the sin of the world
(1 John 2:1). In
other words, He FORGOT our sins when He REMEMBERED that they were nailed on the
Forgiveness Applied
Once Kim and Frank understood that "no longer remembering" sins was a
matter of NOT GETTING EVEN rather than FORGETTING, they could breathe easier
and move ahead without the misplaced weight of the Law on their backs. Through
all of this they learned that to forgive means that by the grace of God, one
will strive to not bring up the past sins of others.
For good
marriages, the good riddance of the score-keeper syndrome is essential. It
keeps the lines of communication open. It allows old wounds time to be healed.
It is also the way of love. In describing the NOT GETTING EVEN side of love,
St. Paul wrote:
"Love has good manners and does not pursue selfish advantage. It is not touchy. IT DOES NOT KEEP ACCOUNT OF EVIL or gloat over the wickedness of other people" (I Cor. 13:5-6 Phillips).
Intimately related to the concept of
FORGIVENESS and equally needed in Christian marriage is the Gospel-given
quality known as FORBEARANCE. Spouses need to forbear with one another because
at times they can really be unbearable. In discussing the "bond of peace"
between and among Christians, St. Paul enjoins them to live a life "with all
humility and gentleness, with patience, showing forbearance to one another in
love" (Eph. 4:2
FORGIVENESS and FORBEARANCE go hand in hand. The first trait
deals with not seeking to get even with someone who has wronged us. The latter
virtue is the ability to put up with an individual's shortcomings and
Face it, after the wedding vows new faults have a way
of surfacing. Everything from who controls the thermostat to how the socks are
folded can become irritants that call for forbearance. Needed is no-fault
insurance. Mark Twain was right when he said, "Love is blind, but marriage
is a good optometrist." No wonder St. Paul exhorted Ephesian couples to
"generously make allowances for each other because you love each other" (Eph.
4:2 Phillips).
I know my mate must put up with plenty of my faults and
faux pas. Often, when Jan talks to me, I am wrapped up in a pastoral concern
and she must call out repeatedly "earth to Peter, earth to Peter." After 21
years of marriage, I still have the lunkhead habit of putting empty water
bottles or milk cartons in the refrigerator. The comedian Seinfeld had me
pegged when he said that most "men don't watch television, they just wonder
what is on the other channels."
A number of writers around the world
and from different eras have recognized the need for forbearance. A French
proverb states that "a good husband should be deaf and a good wife blind."
Various sages from Martin Luther to Ben Franklin have quipped to the effect,
"Before marriage keep both eyes open; after marriage keep only one eye
No Perfect Spouses
All these observations teach the need for forbearance, as well as the need
to remember that there are no perfect spouses. If a person is expecting
perfection or near perfection from their spouse, then one has a superficial
view of sin--one's own, as well as that of one's spouse. Only one Person
qualified as a perfect spouse, and He got away! He was Jesus (2 Cor. 5:21). By divine
plan He remained single in order that He might single-mindedly go to the cross
to provide the forgiveness and love needed to hold together marriages.
There are no utopian unions of man and woman. To expect a perfect marriage is
to invite fractured fairy tales. Because each person in the marriage is, as the
ancient liturgy sets forth, "a poor miserable sinner," a wellspring of
forbearance is always needed.
Forbearance and forgiveness grow wherever God's Word
of Law and Gospel guide and gear hearts and homes. Regular reading of God's
Word reduces fault-finding in the following manner. If the sin-exposing Law of
God is read correctly, then we will see that we, ourselves, have committed an
astronomical number of sins (Matt. 18:23). Such a
realization will keep an honest and humble person from saddling the high horse
of pride and plowing over his spouse. John Ruskin has said, "Pride is at the
bottom of all great mistakes."
Augustus Toplady, the author of
"Rock of Ages, Cleft for me," once estimated that by the time a person
reaches the age 20, they have committed a whopping 630,000,000 sins against
God. Actually, it is impossible to keep a tally of sin, for as Luther says,
"We sin in all we do!" When one considers that all sin is as serious as
the one it offends, and that it is always "spitting in God's face" (Num. 12:14). sin is
never a minor matter.
Once I asked one of my
eighth-grade catechetical students, "How often do. you think that God forgives
us?" Dawn's answer was, "Googolplexes!" Her answer was terrific on two
accounts. One, the word "googolplex" describes well the enormity of our sin,
for googolplex is a term which signifies I with 100 zeroes behind it. Two, in
the dictionary the word "googolplexes" comes just before the word "gospel." The
Gospel is the good news that though we sin against God "googolplexes" of times,
He declares us, because of His dear Son, "not guilty," "forgiven," "justified"
(Rom. 4:5).
While it is the Law of God that can knock a
rough rider off his or her high horse, it is the Gospel that enables us to ride
into the Holy City on a donkey with humility and gentleness (Matt. 21:5). In light of
the good news that for Jesus' sake God drives away sin "as far as the east is
from the west" (Ps.
103:12), Christian couples find grace to forgive and forbear. Through the
Gospel couples can find strength to, like God, put sin behind their back (Is. 38:17).
A Look at Luke!
connected to forgiveness is love. We see this in the story of Jesus and the
sinful woman (Luke
7:36-50). Here Jesus declares a woman with a notorious past forgiven! By
freely forgiving her, He places her in a right relationship with God
This good news made her a new creature. Full of joy
and love, she served the Savior with gladness. All of this moved Jesus to say
of her, "That is why I tell you that her many sins have been forgiven; as a
result, she loved much. But he who has little forgiven, loves little" (Free
Translation, Luke 7:47). In short, where the appreciation of forgiveness of sin
is Tom Thumb-like, love will be Lilliputian-like.
The Wide-ranging Dimensions of Forgiveness
The wide-ranging dimensions of the gift of forgiveness of sins, a gift from God
which creates faith and love, affirms the power of this gift. It is a gift that
resurrected Frank's and Kim's marriage from the ash heaps. It is a gift from
Christ through the Church that can renew any marriage. It is an awesome gift
because behind the gift stands the towering cross on which the Lord of love,
Jesus Christ, was crucified for the sins of the world (John 1:29).
impulses married couples need for truly loving each other find their origin in
the gift of "forgiveness of sins." It is not a gift given in isolation.
Connected to it are all the gifts of heaven: God's grace, the Holy Spirit,
Christ's merits, justification, life, reconciliation, and salvation.
Since the treasures of heaven are linked to
this grand gift, FORGIVENESS OF SINS, how vital it is that we are embraced by
it continually and not sporadically. So that the love in our marriage might not
dry up but well up, we need to recall how God dispenses this gift. To this end;
the continuing significance of our baptism should not be overlooked. Many
Christians forget, says Luther, that "Baptism is in force all through life,
even until death, yes...even to the Last Day."
Daily Repentance Stirs the Mighty Waters of
In the gift of forgiveness of sins, the Holy Spirit
stirs the waters of our baptism. As He stirs the waters through daily
repentance, He drowns the Old Adam and brings to the surface our New Adam. It
is the New Adam, the creature of love, who daily rises to build the marriage
(Eph. 4:22ff).
Beneath the keyboard of my computer are the words of Luther's Morning and
Evening prayers. These prayers of repentance prod me to see my constant need to
repent! Through repentance the Spirit stirs the waters of Holy Baptism with
God's "yes" in Jesus Who accepts the sinner!
When Luther declared in
the first of his 95 Theses that "the whole life of the Christian was to be a
continual repentance," this was beautiful baptism language. It was a call
to that blessed daily death called "Baptism." In Baptism we are brought into
union with Christ (Rom.
6:3). It is this union which can feed the marriage union. By daily
repentance of our sins, we stake to the cross the arch enemy of any marriage,
our sinful nature.
Troubled Marriages--Little
Over the years I have observed that troubled
marriages invariably are short on apologies and weak in the realm of personal
repentance. Hard-to-live-with spouses find it extra hard to apologize to their
partners, because they are not in the healthy habit of apologizing to God. It
is too bad that movie Tommyrot makes matters worse by dispensing
sonic-debris statements such as, "Love means that you never have to say
you're sorry!" That may apply to Jesus, but it certainly does not apply to
us sinners.
The Super Supper
In addition to the gift of Baptism, God has given the Church another
lifeline of love:
Two thousand years ago on Maundy Thursday,
the night on which He was betrayed, Jesus instituted this meal (Matt. 26:17). It was a
new Passover meal. God's ancient Passover was a rich, redemptive supper. It
celebrated the Lord's deliverance of the Children of Israel from Egypt's bonds
of slavery. It marked God's angel of death passing over the sins of the
firstborn in every household where blood covered the doorposts of their
domiciles (Ex. 11).
A Meal to Help us
The new Passover meal, the Lord's Supper, is a meal
that enables couples to live in love and peace through the forgiveness of sins
that Jesus Christ brings (Matt. 26:28). It is
superior to the old Passover. The old offered the blood of bulls, rams, and
lambs. The new offers the very body and blood of Christ. The old pointed to the
Gospel. The new is the Gospel. The old brought life-giving Passover blessings
to the firstborn of God's Israel. The new brings life-giving Passover blessings
to all who are properly instructed and receive it in faith.
proper instruction, Christians partake of the true body and blood of the
Selfless One, Jesus Christ (Matt. 26:28). The Early
Christian Church in Africa referred to the Lord's Supper simply and sublimely
as "LIFE." They realized that this meal, like baptism, offered the treasures
from heaven.
The Key!
the beginning of this chapter, we quoted Dr. Billy Graham, who said, "The
key to a good marriage is two good forgivers." To find the house for this
key, one need only look to the household of faith, the Church. Through the
Church, Christ has instituted a special office. It is known as the OFFICE OF
THE KEYS. Our Small Catechism defines this Office:
KEYS is that special authority which Christ has given to His Church on earth to
forgive the sins of repentant sinners, but to withhold forgiveness from the
unrepentant as long as they do not repent.
The Biblical basis for the
Office of the Keys is throughout the Scriptures, but especially in
John 20:22-23. In
this passage we see the extraordinary commission authorized by Jesus for the
Church "to forgive sins!" The Kingdom of God is a kingdom of forgiveness. In
Baptism, in the Lord's Supper, and in the proclamation of the Gospel, the key
to heaven and the key to good marriages is distributed--FORGIVENESS OF SINS. By
this, the Church lives and couples love. Lifelines and loveliness together!
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