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Falling away from
by George F.
Dr. C.F.W. Walther, first president of the
Missouri Synod, told a story of the death of Oliver Cromwell. When Cromwell was
dying, he became alarmed about his salvation. He asked the chaplain who was
attending him whether a person who had once been a believer could ever lose his
faith. Cromwell concluded that all was well with him, since he once had faith,
and must therefore still have it.
The Synod of Dort (Calvinist)
declared that even though a person who was a believer fell into gross sins,
adultery, murder, etc., faith was not lost, merely the exercise of faith, or
the consciousness of faith.
Among American denominations today, there
are various groups which teach this same error, particularly a variety of
Baptist groups. They base their teaching on passages such as
1 John 3:9. This
doctrine is summarized in the slogan, "Once in grace always in grace" or "Once
saved, always saved."
Dr. Martin Luther wrote, "When holy men, still
having and feeling original sin, also daily repenting of it and striving with
it, happen to fall into manifest sins, as David into adultery and murder and
blasphemy, then faith and the Holy Spirit have departed from them. For the Holy
Spirit does not permit sin to have dominion to gain the upper hand ... but
represses and restrains it" (Smalcald Articles).
True and genuine
faith is not merely the acceptance of the story of Jesus as true. Even the
demons believe this (James, 2:19). Genuine
repentance and true faith is the work of the Holy Spirit through the hearing of
the Word of God. Such faith can be lost by impenitence and deliberately and
willfully allowing the flesh to rule in our lives (Rom. 8:12-13).
The Scriptures clearly teach that faith can be lost (Matt.12:43-45;
Heb. 6:4-8;
Matt. 13:20-22). A
loss of faith occurs when,
1) A person carelessly and indifferently
follows the will and desires of the flesh (Rom. 8:13).
A person continues to live in the gross sins of the flesh (Gal. 5:19-21;
1 Cor. 6:9-10).
3) A person carelessly or willfully neglects the hearing of the Gospel and
use of the Sacraments (1
Cor. 16:1-2; Rom.
10:17; John
4) A person continues to indulge his evil imagination and
does not with the help of the Spirit strive against unclean desire. To feel
temptation is far different from yielding to it (1 John 3:3;
Matt. 5:27;
Eph. 6:10-17).
5) A person allows the love of pleasure and ( riches and the material
things of this world- fame reputation, etc. to have priority in life (Matt. 13:22;
Eph. 5:5-6;
1 John 2:15-16;
Matt. 6:24).
6) A person does not adhere to the Word of God and pray diligently for
divine help and protection against the temptations of the devil, the world, and
the flesh (Matt.
26:41; Eph.
God has, according to His eternal counsel and will,
determined that He will protect the believers in their weakness against the
devil, the world, and their own flesh; raise them up again when they fall; keep
and preserve them in true faith among many troubles and afflictions; continue
to convert their hearts to true repentance and genuine faith If they adhere to
His Word, continue to use the Means of Grace, and pray diligently (1 Peter 1:3-7;
Rom. 8:28-30;
1 Cor. 11:23-26;
Phil. 2:12).
God Himself creates the moments in which He offers us forgiveness, grace,
and salvation. God is certainly present at all times and in all places, but He
Himself determines the moment or time when He draws close to us with the offer
of salvation. Since we cannot control the time or create the moment for the
conversion of our hearts, it is Important that we make use of those moments
that God creates, the time when His Word is preached and the Sacraments are
offered to us (Heb.
4:6, 7, 12; Luke
Even in true believers, the sinful flesh, the old Adam,
remains. There is a constant struggle between the flesh and the Spirit. In this
struggle, believers are to be serious about warring ag6nrit their own natural
inclinations and fleshly desires (Gal. 5:16-21;
1 Peter 2:11;
Rom. 7:23).
The unconverted and unregenerate person resists God altogether and is
entirely a servant of sin (Rom. 8:34;
Rom. 6:16).
The regenerate or converted person delights in God's law, takes pleasure
in doing what pleases God, according to the inner man (Psalm 119; 10, 11, 24,
97; Rom.
The believer is aware of the constant attack upon spiritual
life. For this reason, no child of God becomes secure in his or her faith but
prays daily, "Lord, I believe. Help thou my unbelief."
There are
times, when every true believer will feel that he or she has lost his faith and
fallen from grace. These are times when grave doubts arise in their hearts.
This is part of the grievous temptation which our own flesh and the devil
brings to us. Concerning this, the Lutheran Confessions say, "And although they
(believers) sometimes fall into temptation so grievous that they imagine they
perceive no more power of the indwelling spirit of God, yet they should without
regard to what they experience In themselves, be encouraged and say with David,
'Nevertheless, Thou heardest the voice of my supplications when I cried unto
Thee'" [Psalm 31:22b] (Formula of Concord, Article XI).
When such time
of temptation comes. we are not to try to find feelings or some sort of inner
religious experience, but instead we are to believe the Gospel which God speaks
to us and to use the sacrament. It is through these Means of Grace that God
spin draws us to Himself, converts, and regenerates us (1 Cor. 1:21;
Acts 10:5-6;
Rom. 10:17).
When the moments of temptation come, the hours when we no longer feel the
presence of God or seem to be able to pray, we are to put our trust and
confidence in the promise that it is Christ Jesus who makes intercession for us
(Rom. 8:31-34;
1 John 2:1-2).
George W.
Wollenburg was the fourth vice- president of The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod
and pastor of Christ the King Lutheran Church, Billings, Montana when he wrote
the article.
Used with permission of the publisher, The Lutheran
Witness, November, 1984.
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